People doing dangerous sport activities like scuba driving and bungee jumping should be responsible for their own life and rescue workers should not risk their lives to save people doing those sports. Do you agree or disagree?

Some individuals tend to do hazardous sports,
as bungee jumping and scuba
Correct your spelling
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. It is necessary to consider that
these participant
Change the determiner
this participant
these participants
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should be responsible for their own lives and lifeguards
Verb problem
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not take
Fix the agreement mistake
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to save them. I strongly disagree with
point of view. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall elaborate on the reasons and discuss my opinion more.
, it is obvious that if we do threatening activities,
as paragliding, we have to hire
Add an article
an expert
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coach as a professional guard in terms of safety responsibility.
, it is crucial to know how we can manage risky situations. So, it would be a great idea if we encountered
Change preposition
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these circumstances with well-trained
Fix the agreement mistake
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due to
Wrong verb form
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uncontrollable conditions.
For example
, in the USA, it is vital that if you have a plan for adventurous activities, you have to employ a professional guide since it will monitor risky actions.
On the other hand
, critics assume that we have to save our lives without paying attention to others.
, I totally disagree with
idea. It is essential to focus on how we will be able to improve security
Fix the agreement mistake
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In other words
, some activities,
as bungee jumping
Correct subject-verb agreement
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extra actions as
Correct pronoun usage
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will guarantee our lives.
, it is undeniable that the lifeguards have an important role in
For instance
, in India, if you choose to do bungee jumping, you will not
Add a missing verb
be responsible
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for checking ropes as it is the
Change noun form
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responsibility. In conclusion,
it is clear that
we need expert individuals who will be able to decrease risks in terms of safety and security.
, I strongly disagree that we have to do dangerous sports without lifeguards.
Submitted by ali.pazoki72 on

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task achievement
The essay provides a clear response to the topic and covers various aspects of the discussion. However, there are a few areas where it could be enhanced. For example, making sure that every point made is backed up by specific examples can strengthen the arguments. There are some parts of the text where the ideas presented could benefit from further development and elaboration, which would make the discussion more compelling.
coherence cohesion
To improve the coherence and logical flow, make sure each paragraph transitions smoothly into the next. Some sentences seem slightly disjointed, and more polished use of linking words could help in achieving better cohesion. Revisiting the structure of some sentences can also aid in clarity and reader comprehension. Additionally, a few grammatical corrections would make the writing even clearer.
introduction conclusion present
Your essay contains a clear introduction and conclusion that answer the prompt effectively, which is commendable. The structure is well thought out, and you introduce your perspective clearly at the outset.
logical structure
Your arguments are well-reasoned, and you include various points to support your stance, which demonstrates an understanding of the topic at hand. There is a logical progression of ideas within each paragraph.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • responsibility
  • dangerous sports
  • scuba diving
  • bungee jumping
  • rescue workers
  • risk
  • save lives
  • priority
  • regulations
  • guidelines
  • safety
  • education
  • training
  • participants
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