You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you returned home, you found you had left some important papers at the hotel. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter • say where you think you left the papers • explain why they are so important • tell the manager what you want him/her to do

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing a letter to the hotel manager. because when I came home after the meeting at the hotel, I saw that there were no
. and that's why I was so shocked. Those
were very important
for me. I think those
are left on one of the tables to the right in the guest room on the 2nd floor. I bought a new house a month ago.
the head of that house promised me that he would prepare the
after a month. I went today and brought back the
signed by hand. If I lose those
, I will
lose my house. These are very important
for me.
, I request you to go and look at it as soon as possible. I really want you to find the
. I assume you have cameras in your guest lounge. If you can not find it there, I would appreciate it if you could look at the cameras and let me know. I hope you find the
. Many thanks in advance. Yours faithfully, Qobiljonova Kamola
Submitted by omondavlat91 on

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Task Response
The letter effectively covers all three bullet points, but some sentences could be clearer. For example, 'because when I came home after the meeting at the hotel, I saw that there were no documents'. Consider rephrasing for clarity: 'because after returning home from the meeting at your hotel, I noticed that my documents were missing'.
Coherence and Cohesion
While the letter generally flows well, the transition between sentences and paragraphs could be smoother. Use linking words to connect your ideas better.
Coherence and Cohesion
Make sure each paragraph contains a single idea. The second paragraph introduces your house purchase and the importance of the documents without a clear transition, making it a bit disjointed.
Greeting and Closing
The closing statement 'Yours faithfully' and your name are appropriately used, maintaining a formal tone throughout the letter.
Task Response
You clearly state the importance of the documents, thus fully addressing the second bullet point of the task.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Dear Sir/Madam,
  • I am writing to inform you that I believe I left some important papers at your hotel.
  • To the best of my recollection, I left the papers in the conference room.
  • These papers are of utmost importance as they contain confidential business information.
  • I kindly request that you or your staff check the conference room and securely send the papers to my address.
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