You have a full-time job and are also doing a part-time evening course. You know find that you cannot continue the course. Write the letter to the course tutor. In your letter: -Describe your situation -Explain why you cannot continue at this time -Say what action you would like to do

Good afternoon, dear sir/madam. I'
Anastassia, my student ID number is 12345. I'
participating in the "Management in the Health System" course. I'
letter with the purpose of explaining my issues and asking for your advice. I'
due to
my full-time job as the staff manager in our hospital. For the
two weeks, we have had a lot of work and
Correct your spelling
show examples
extra hours than usual. We are waiting for a commission from the head office, it takes at least more 3 weeks to settle all the issues and to find solutions for all the problems.
, it seems to be worse, so I'll have not enough time to breathe, all the more so to continue my study. I'
very interested in continuing
course when it is suitable for me. I have to say, it's the best course with the best tutors I have ever studied. Now
, I wanted to ask your advice as to what can I do with
issue. I understand, that I can't get my money back. But if it's possible to freeze my account for three or 4 months, I'll be happy. Sincerely yours. Anastassia
Submitted by anastasia on

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coherence cohesion
Consider dividing the large block of text into smaller paragraphs for better readability and to clearly separate each idea.
task achievement
Ensure that the reasons for not continuing the course and the requested action are stated a bit more clearly and succinctly to enhance comprehension.
coherence cohesion
Your greeting and closing are polite and appropriate for a formal letter.
task achievement
The letter conveys a respectful and professional tone suitable for the context.
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