The given line graph compares the proportion of domestic waste recycling in the UK, France and Germany from 2005 to 2015. Overall, the recycling rates in the UK and Germany increased over the period while it actually decreased in France

The given line graph compares the proportion of domestic waste recycling in the UK, France and Germany from 2005 to 2015. Overall, the recycling rates in the UK and Germany increased over the period while it actually decreased in France
The line graph illustrates the percentage of household waste recycling in three different countries consisting of the UK, France, and Germany between 2005 and 2015.
, it can be seen that domestic waste recycling in the UK and Germany have a similar trend, which increased over the given period,
, it decreased in France.
To begin
with, the highest recycling rate is in France with 50% in 2005,
, it dropped significantly to around 30% in 2013, and has a recovery to 40% in the next 2 years.
, the proportion of recycling in the UK began at 35% in 2005,
increased to 40% in 2007 and it remained the same until 2009. After that, it dramatically rose to roughly 60% in 2015.
In addition
, Germany had the lowest rate of waste, which was 20% at the beginning of the period and jumped to approximately 58% in the next decade.
Submitted by napatnp18065322 on

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