the Correct article usage
show examples
giveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
rather than demerits in comparison to studying at home. There are three reasons behind
studying in
classroomAdd an article
show examples
with many
energyCorrect article usage
show examples
of the
. The blurting and vibrant vibes of
classroomCorrect article usage
show examples
MeChange the pronoun
show examples
and my
shared the same view that other student
voiceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can revive
itsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
energy when
experiencedWrong verb form
show examples
its Correct pronoun usage
show examples
, learning online doesn't have some type of distraction that
influenceCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
studying in
classroomAdd an article
show examples
can better absorb the material.
of material can be better because
experienceCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
the study directly
and Correct word choice
show examples
allowCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
toCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
ask the teacher or
. Me and my
sameChange the article
show examples
stance regarding
to Remove the preposition
show examples
studying in
classroomAdd an article
show examples
can enhance the
studentsChange noun form
show examples
teacherChange noun form
show examples
BondFix the agreement mistake
show examples
civilians are needed for
the Correct article usage
show examples
future opportunities. The result of its closeness in the
can bring
to the future meetings by
asking for help in without awkwardness.
positiveAdd an article
show examples
side of studying in
classroomCorrect article usage
show examples
mean that the other
haveChange the verb form
show examples
none. Studying online
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
its own
. The
these activityChange the determiner
this activity
these activities
show examples
in Change preposition
show examples
itsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
flexibility and simplicity in the way of studying. Flexibility and simplicity can be seen by
canCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
absorb the
onlineCorrect article usage
show examples
nature of studying can
makeVerb problem
show examples
to open the online meeting platform
inChange preposition
show examples
iChange the capitalization
show examples
argue that its demerits outweigh its
. Demerits of online studying can be seen prompted
to open
otherChange the wording
show examples
websiteFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
, easily
to Fix the infinitive
show examples
get out of
the Correct article usage
show examples
as soon as fill
theChange preposition
show examples
attendance list,
absorb well the material
the no other distraction,
experiencedWrong verb form
show examples
different excitement of asking
questionAdd an article
show examples
, less
to networking, and etc.
In conclusion, I agree that
Correct article usage
show examples
benefitFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of studying together in
theCorrect article usage
show examples
its opposite nature and
comparing to the online nature
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
. I present several
reasonChange to a plural noun
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
phenomenaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. In the future,
the decision is
givingWrong verb form
show examples
to the school.