The visuals illustrate information about sodium (S) , Saturated fat (
) Added sugar (AS) in usual meals in a day and which of them is going to be unhealthier than others.
In all three categories, breakfast has the Use synonyms
fewest per cent
of bad nutrients in S is 14% but in the two others is 16 per cent. After breakfast, snacks are the lowest with 14% in S and 21% in Correct your spelling
lowest percentage
, Use synonyms
; the amount of AS in snacks is the most.
By measurement that has been done dinner is one of the biggest use of S with 43% and Linking Words
with 37%. Use synonyms
amount in AS is not close to others by 23% which is fewer. In the lunch category, all of the nutrients are likely together in order to S BY 29%, Linking Words
BY 26% and AD by 19% which is in the middle.
In Use synonyms
line, the most unhealthy nutrients are S and Correct article usage
the bottom
in dinner meals and AD in snacks.Use synonyms