Five months ago you started renting an apartment on a six month agreement. you wish to stay in the apartment for longer than 6 months, you originally agreed with the owner. Write a letter to the owner of the apartment. In your letter: How long do you want to rent the apartment for Explain why your plans have changed Tell the owner about a problem in the apartment

Dear Mr. Wells,
letter is to put forward my
for extending the rental agreement of
Correct article usage
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apartment, 702, Asha Harmony, Ghansoli Road, Mumbai beyond 6 months. A
Correct your spelling
extension on the current agreement is my
. The original 6-month agreement is expiring on 30 September 2024, I wish to continue here till 30 September 2025. I was under the assumption that my company would accept my relocation
to Bengaluru, India and I will be moving there by 1 October 2024.
, it seems that the organization has decided not to consider my
due to
certain dependencies I have in the project here.
As a result
, I will be staying in Mumbai for another year. Having stayed in the apartment for
Replace the word
some time
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now, I believe it is in my best interest that I extend my accommodation here for another year. But, there are
Add an article
a couple
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of issues with the apartment that I would like to bring your kind attention to before the document signature happens. The flat is subjected to frequent power cuts
Add the comma(s)
, especially
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during the summer months from May till June.
has caused me great discomfort especially in the
2 months because of the
Correct your spelling
hybrid mode
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of work I operated in. Without electricity, my internet access was compromised and it affected my assignments. Awaiting your earnest reply on
. Kind regards, Nilesh Majumdar
Submitted by majumdarnilesh21 on

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complete response
Your letter clearly states the intention to extend the rental agreement and the duration for which you wish to extend it. However, more specific details such as asking for the owner's consent or inquiring about the process to extend the lease would improve clarity.
logical structure
You could improve the logical flow by addressing the issues with the apartment earlier in your letter and then moving on to the request for an extension, making sure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next.
greeting and closing
The letter starts and ends with proper greetings and a cordial closing, which maintains a polite and formal tone suitable for corresponding with a landlord.
single idea per paragraph
Each paragraph is focused on a specific aspect: the request for extension, the reason for the change in plans, and the problem with the apartment, which helps in maintaining clarity and coherence.
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