The illustration shows how the population of cities in some Asian countries has changed through the years 1970- 2020, and how it will probably change by the year 2040.
, the number of inhabitants in Thailand, The Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia went up. And predictions show that it will rise even more by 2040. The highest jumps are noticed in Malaysia and Indonesia.
The biggest difference is seen in Malaysia, from 30 per Linking Words
it rose by almost 40, so in 2020 it was above 70 per Use synonyms
.The second place with huge change is Indonesia, where the population increased by 40 per Use synonyms
from around 15. The Philippines are the only country where we can see a fall, from 1990 to 2010. The Use synonyms
of inhabitants of cities in Thailand climbed by nearly 10 per Change the quantifier
.The predictions are all similar in all of the places, the number of people living in the metropolis will go up by 2040. In Thailand growth will be almost 10 per Use synonyms
. In the rest of the locations, it will be more stable.Use synonyms