After graduation,it is widely acknowledged that students are supposed to find a
disagreementAdd an article
show examples
comes up when
argue that the
baseWrong verb form
show examples
on their interest
to selectChange preposition
show examples
theCorrect article usage
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of making
decisionAdd an article
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the Correct article usage
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salary.From my point of view,I
We know that motivation is the key element which could sustain employees working for a long time,so the love for the
would help them to consistently focus on the
work placeCorrect your spelling
show examples
or the field .Only when
intrinsicAdd an article
an intrinsic
the intrinsic
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
,they would have
trueAdd an article
show examples
love for the
devote themselves to their own
and make progress or have
theCorrect article usage
show examples
sense of
, having unclear goals towards their lives is a common
among the graduates.In
case,maybe they can not decide what fields they would stay .
,there are
numerous uncertain
situationFix the agreement mistake
show examples
they are going to meet,
, the adaptability to the working environment and working style,the way to deal with social
relationshipFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and so on.Even more,at the
of making
decisionAdd an article
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, they
because of their interests,
afterCorrect word choice
show examples
some days,maybe they change their mind and deny the previous choices.
,uncertain elements are on the way,so
the Correct article usage
show examples
should make
aChange the article
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optimal choice.
An ideal
is not always easy to find
,Remove the comma
show examples
until they make several attempts. After
have different choices,the rich
is Unnecessary verb
show examples
tend to have optimal choices and
Correct article usage
show examples
future,so they would rather do what they want but not always related to their inner interests,some just like making money ,some want to try out as more new fields as they can.For
the Correct article usage
show examples
,they may focus on the way under their feet.Under the pressure of buying a house ,supporting
parentsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
and obtaining a basic living standard for themselves,maybe they would have a preference
toChange preposition
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higherCorrect article usage
show examples
income.But in
the Correct article usage
show examples
reality,having an
to have a
is rare to be seen.In
the Correct article usage
show examples
normal working place,after several years
aCorrect your spelling
show examples
attribution to the company , a promotion may
can Remove a modal verb
show examples
be made which
leadCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
to a
riceCorrect your spelling
show examples
in the salary.
a Correct article usage
show examples
conclusion,when choosing a
had better take
realityCorrect article usage
show examples
situation and future
planFix the agreement mistake
show examples
into account,if
no idea ,they could
are seekChange the verb form
show examples
help from
the Correct article usage
show examples
old or successful
,or just choose the
which is optimal after
makeChange the verb form
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
of salary ,future development and the preference ,
try their best in the
and find out whether
is the ideal one.If not,they could make another choice.