The first chart below shows the percentages of women and men in a country involved in some kinds (cooking, cleaning, pet caring and repairing the house). The second chart show the amount of time each gender spent on each task per day.

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The chart in the first place gives information on the rate of men and women participating in some household chores
Linking Words
the second one illustrates the
Use synonyms
expenditure of each gender on each workday.
Linking Words
, women are in the leading position in terms of doing housework
in particular
Linking Words
fields except pet care and housing renovation where men put more effort
as well as
Linking Words
repairing homes in the second chart, which seemed to be the dominating areas in
Correct pronoun usage
which gents
show examples
invest their concern.
Linking Words
, the cooking section is clearly dominated by females having a number of more than 80% compared to males with a digit of 60% which is more similar to the average
Use synonyms
expenditure chart where the numbers remain almost the same. In
Correct article usage
the case
show examples
of cleaning, more than 60% of
Correct your spelling
show examples
participate with almost 70%
Use synonyms
expended by them. The pet care section seems to be almost
Correct article usage
the same
show examples
in both cases.
On the other hand
Linking Words
, the house-repairing sector is dominated by males where a shy 20% of men
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
spend just less than 20% of their total
Use synonyms
Linking Words

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Vocabulary: Replace the words time with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "chart" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: The word "almost" was used 3 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Gender roles
  • Work-life balance
  • Division of labor
  • Domestic tasks
  • Stereotypes
  • Traditional roles
  • Participation rate
  • Disparity
  • Societal expectations
  • Productivity
  • Cultural norms
  • Economic implications
  • Social dynamics
  • Household chores
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