The table below gives information about the proportion of male and female employees in distinct areas of employment in a particular country between 1990, 2000 and 2010.
, significant differences are evident, Linking Words
manufacturing showed a notable decline in male employment and females exceeded an increase in health and tourism fields. Retail / shops experienced a minimal change for both genders during Linking Words
During the given period retail and shops remained stable in male employment at 13%,Linking Words
the health industry stood at the same in the first two decades and showed an increase in 2010 from 7% to 9%.Linking Words
, tourism diminished in 1990 by close to 13% and remained unaltered in the Linking Words
two decades, roughly 10%. Slightly 30% of male workers shrank by half in 2000 and in 2010 the percentage dropped by two-thirds of what it was at the beginning.
The percentage of women working in the retail and shops sector rose slightly from 7% in 1990 to 9% in 2010. These minor changes Linking Words
indicated in tourism by growing at 2% in each ten-year span. In health fields, female employers again revealed expansion slightly over 9%, 11% and 15 % in each decadal period. Specifically, at the beginning women employers demonstrated an expansion in 2000 from 7% to 8%,meanwhile, in 2010 steadily lowered Linking Words
3%.Change preposition