educationCorrect article usage
show examples
of juveniles is considered
mostCorrect article usage
show examples
important aspect of their life, there is an ongoing argument
regardChange the form of the verb
show examples
whether public funds should be spent on
leisureCorrect article usage
show examples
of teenagers or not.
, I disagree
to allocateChange preposition
show examples
more public money
onChange preposition
show examples
free time
, I believe,
balancedCorrect article usage
show examples
view with
Correct article usage
show examples
emphasisingReplace the word
show examples
will be the best way.
On the one hand, for
the Correct article usage
show examples
various reasons,
is the most
partCorrect word choice
show examples
of young people’s
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that requires more
government’sChange noun form
show examples
attention and budget.
, students dedicate much time of their life to
be at Verb problem
show examples
school or doing homework,
needsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
more attention.
needs specialists and experts so need more money to educate professional teachers,
establishingWrong verb form
show examples
schools with modern technologies, and
fulfilmentReplace the word
show examples
is the key to learning special subjects, getting ready for academia and
the Correct article usage
show examples
future career,
needs more government measures.
I disagree
to spentChange preposition
show examples
more public money on
student’sFix the agreement mistake
show examples
hobbies, I think it is better that governments invest some portion of public funds
onChange preposition
show examples
young people’s leisure.
,Remove the comma
show examples
many hobbies
as biking, swimming and doing some sports do not cost too much, establishing sufficient playgrounds,
sportChange the noun form
show examples
clubs, library for students can be useful
atChange preposition
show examples
allCorrect determiner usage
show examples
governmentAdd an article
show examples
can make them free or give discounts for pupils.
can induce youngers to register
inChange preposition
show examples
spend their free time.
In conclusion,
I think
significantAdd an article
show examples
part of a society that
requireCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
more public funds to provide
fairnessReplace the word
show examples
for all students, it is
best to
spentChange the verb
show examples
some part of
Correct article usage
show examples
governmentsChange noun form
show examples
budget on making and improving places like
sportChange the noun form
show examples
clubs for free
of young people.