The pie graphs provide data on the proportions of various nutrients found in our daily food intake, which can be unhealthy if consumed in large amounts.
, breakfast is the healthiest type of food in our diet , Linking Words
dinner meals contain the highest percentages of substances.
Our breakfast has a very small amount of sodium , Linking Words
at lunch we eat twice as much , with 14% and 29%, respectively. The situation with saturated fat does not change during morning and afternoon meals , with approximately the same numbers. Linking Words
, the percentage of sugar in lunch dropped to 19 per cent , Linking Words
the percentage in breakfast stayed stable , between 14 and 16 per cent.
The numbers of sodium substances 43% and fats 37% , are among the highest in the chart. Linking Words
In contrast
, these nutrients are in the smallest proportions in snacks , but the amount of added sugar to fast food exceeds that of dinner by 19%.Linking Words