Technologies and
globalCorrect article usage
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web allow us to
, many
of Change preposition
show examples
isCorrect your spelling
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privilegeAdd an article
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others think that everyone should still
workingChange the verb form
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officeAdd an article
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. Working online has many benefits and drawbacks,
inCorrect word choice
show examples
I will discover them.
If we look at 2020, when
wholeChange the article
show examples
world had to
stayingChange the verb
show examples
in isolation, we can see how major part of companies learnt to
completingWrong verb form
show examples
tasks and
keepingWrong verb form
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
distanceCorrect article usage
show examples
at the same
. At that
workers understood, that they able to still
doingWrong verb form
show examples
and being in a
headquarterCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
isWrong verb form
show examples
not necessary,
this Correct pronoun usage
show examples
canWrong verb form
show examples
be anywhere, even travel in another country. The evidence is that
statistics, after quarantine more than 47 million
left their jobs. By working online
employmentsCorrect your spelling
show examples
to saveChange preposition
show examples
a lot of
, which they used to spend on heading to
comebackCorrect your spelling
show examples
. In big
it can take hours
track jams and long distances. Another cogent merit of working at
it Correct pronoun usage
show examples
is that
may spend more
self improvementAdd a hyphen
show examples
and being closer with families. Staying at
can even remove stress because of avoiding pressuring
conditionFix the agreement mistake
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officeCorrect article usage
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by being surrounded by nervous
employersCorrect your spelling
show examples
new trend
haveChange the verb form
show examples
some disadvantages. One of them is
permanentlyChange the word
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disturbance from bosses because of deadlines and reports. Freelancers and
workers who transferred to working at
often face
with Change preposition
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Add an article
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issueFix the agreement mistake
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, when
employerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
customerFix the agreement mistake
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appealingWrong verb form
show examples
youCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
in order to check
yourCorrect pronoun usage
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ofChange preposition
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Add an article
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taskFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. It can be embarrassing, when you
disturbedAdd a missing verb
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during personal moments, eating food and especially on weekends.
, online
is mainly chosen by
because of flexible
scheduleFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, but in
it is more inconvenient, than
timeCorrect your spelling
show examples
table during
officeAdd an article
show examples
routine and abundance of free
often provide
disorientation in online working, because
mixAdd an article
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job'sChange noun form
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as cooking and preparing children
toChange preposition
show examples
school can easily disrupt
person'sCorrect article usage
show examples
order of completing tasks.
Working out of
workplaceCorrect article usage
show examples
it Correct pronoun usage
show examples
polarizedAdd an article
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theme that
createCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
many heated debates,
tryingAdd the particle
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find the answer on
shouldCorrect word choice
show examples
in or out of
workplaceAdd an article
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?Change the punctuation
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In my opinion, despite all
mentionedCorrect article usage
show examples
demerits, working from
has way more cogent advantages for choosing it over staying in offices. Even if online
may sometimes disturb
personalCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, the benefits you get by saving
and mental health, the positive side of
workplaceAdd an article
show examples
are priceless.