contemporary era, it is very important to keep
ourselfCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
up to date
ofChange preposition
show examples
what's going on around the world, some argue that
newspaperCorrect article usage
show examples
is the best way to know current affairs, others
that there are other modes are
outweighCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
essay will elucidate both viewpoints in
paragraphs and my opinion in
conclusionCorrect article usage
show examples
To commence with,the popularity of
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
isVerb problem
show examples
significantly decreased
of the boom of
internetCorrect article usage
show examples
usageCorrect article usage
show examples
of social media after 2010. These days
Add an article
show examples
internetCapitalize word
show examples
as it is more easily accessible, we can read the news around the world in different languages
justChange preposition
show examples
by few single clicks on
, these days
which are basically electronic
formFix the agreement mistake
show examples
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
available on your gadget through
internetAdd an article
show examples
, these are more handy as
compareWrong verb form
show examples
to traditional
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
afore mentionedCorrect your spelling
show examples
reason explains that other
sourceChange the wording
show examples
of media are more in trend.
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
hasCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
been the source of truth
sinceChange preposition
show examples
itCorrect word choice
show examples
is still widely used in rural areas, even in cities mostly by elder
. In remote areas where there is no proper
still rely on
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and read
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
as a hobby in their leisure time or when they are travelling.
the survey by
globalCapitalize word
show examples
societyCapitalize word
show examples
newspaperFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are still
Change the article
show examples
first choice for
who cannot afford expensive electronic gadgets like mobile phones, tablets and laptops.
, the above example vividly illustrates that some
still opt for newspapers when it comes to
the news.
, there are many ways from
whereCorrect word choice
show examples
we can obtain the news, some
evolve and use
latestAdd an article
show examples
technology to stay updated,
there are still many
whichCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
like the
old schoolAdd a hyphen
show examples
way. In my opinion, newspapers are not widely available everywhere as not everyone
useChange the verb form
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
these days as they used to
use Verb problem
show examples
in early 2000. Not only that
are portable but not the best option when you are travelling
speciallyReplace the word
show examples
in monsoon season, which makes other media
sourceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
much preferable to
the Correct article usage
show examples
modern age readers.