The bar charts compare data about computer ownership and the proportion of the population from 2002 to 2010,
the second chart shows the level of education.
Linking Words
, it is readily apparent that all computer ownership rose significantly throughout the period in both charts.
In the first bar chart, computer ownership ranked at just under 60% at the beginning of the year. Linking Words
it had increased to 60% in 2004. After that, it continues to soar to just over 60% in the middle of the year. Following that, Linking Words
proportion surged to nearly 80% Linking Words
at the end
of the year.
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According to
the second bar chart, no high school diploma was the lowest percentage of education in 2002 han ranked at just over 10%, Linking Words
qualification made the most contribution to education with approximately 73%. Afterwards, these had a noticeable growth to 40% and 90%, respectively. High graduates stood at 35% in 2002 and it had a marked rise to 65% in 2010. College grew moderately from 52% to 83% in 2010 and bachelor's degree rose by 15% in 2010Linking Words