The graphs give information about the ratios of working males and females aged from 60 to 64 in Belgium, USA, Japan and Australia, in the years 1970 and 2000.
, it is noticeable that the amount of men in employment has a significant decrease throughout the entire period, Linking Words
, the women's percentages haven't changed a lot in all the four countries.
In 1970, Belgium had the highest rate of older men who had jobs with nearly three quarters, before it fell to just below 20% in 2000. Linking Words
, Australia has a notable drop, from 79% to about half in a 30-year period. Linking Words
In addition
, the USA and Japan had fallen gradually from 73% and 85% to 55% and 74%, respectively.
In 1970, 16% of Australian aged women had a job, before it increased to about under 20% in 2000. The United States experienced a slight rise of 3%. Linking Words
, Belgium's and Japan's rates dropped modestly by 1% and 3%, respectively.Linking Words