IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Writing Samples Band 6

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Educational institutions have increasingly made electronic gadgets available to their students for learning hence, outdating books and printed materials. While this trend promotes better learning outcomes by increased availability of a wide range of information, it could be a source of distraction to the students.
The world has become a global village. Unlike earlier, many people are seen travelling to different places. The advantages of travelling along with the reasons are discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs.
Students who prefer to study overseas is on the rise. While there are several advantages to studying in foreign universities including learning new cultures and receiving a good quality of education, there are disadvantages too which includes adjusting to weather conditions and social and linguistic differences. In my opinion, irrespective of having initial struggles, It is always advantageous to study in foreign counties, which can help students to broaden their horizons.
More and more transnational corporations are setting up branches and factories in less developed nations. This essay will first suggest that reduced labour costs is the primary benefit for these companies, while bad publicity because of Human Rights abuses is the main drawback.
These days, children prefer long vacations as compared to short vacations. While some people contend that school children need numerous short vacations, others deem that they prefer long vacation. I agree with the latter argument, and in this essay, I will discuss both advantages with my view.
As the number of University students who go overseas to study is increasing, people are debating about the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? This essay shows that although pursuing education in another country is costly and often distracting to students, it is far more beneficial to them due to the new learning and personality development opportunities offered by overseas study.
In today's globalized world, a lot of entertainment are located on portable devices at persons fingertips. Some claim that this phenomenon has positive aspects. The aim of this essay is justify that such benefits outweigh drawbacks.
In recent times, with the aid of internet and technology, humans can traverse varied geographical areas which were earlier deemed to be unreachable such as The South Pole, The North Pole, The Antarctic, and The Sahara Desert. Although by visiting these places with extreme habitats, tourists can gain cultural knowledge and a source of income, it can also be risky due to the dangers involved.
The internet is a growing hub for immediate information globally. With its expansion, knowledge is accessible for free, aided by the spread of technological devices. For the remainder of this essay I will discuss the benefits, such as its accessibility to lower socioeconomic groups and the elimination of the cost of buying books. I will also be discussing the drawbacks, namely, inaccurate information and plagiarism.
These days, due to an increasing financial and economic pressure, some people believe that young children should start doing job in order to support themselves, while others disagree with this viewpoint as this could lead to poor academic performance and social problems. This essay will describe the benefits and pitfalls of child labor.
Energy is a powerful commodity that controls the functioning of the entire world. Solar energy obtained from the light rays of our Sun has seen a recent rise in its popularity, especially as a source of energy in many households across the globe.
As more of us move back and forth in our everyday lives, the question of settling in one or multiple places during a person’s lifetime is becoming increasingly topical. Both viewpoints have merits and drawbacks, which will be discussed now.
An increasingly number of travelers, nowadays, are interested in travelling to areas having harsh conditions. Visiting such places would undoubtedly, bring a lifetime experience and recognition over social media but this has its own downsides.
Many people, nowadays, can be seen going to areas with severe conditions such as too hot or too cold. While people who visit such places consider it adventurous and experience a sense of accomplishment in them, the negatives like extreme weather conditions and higher probability of being lost, are far greater.
In this ages, society tend to do more travelling considered the past time. Now, this activities have been the famous daily need for the certain people. Remembering that activities has many benefits.
Nowadays, cell phones and online chatting are crucial for many people to interact with each other. In my opinion, although there are some drawbacks, benefits such as communicating faster and reaching larger areas are more important.
As the time passed by, studying at tertiary colleges has been increased dramatically. Some people, believe that this as a positive impact in the society. However, few think that the increase in students in universities is affecting the standard of education. Both have their pros and cons which are demystified below.
Setting a dress code in the workplace is becoming increasingly common. In the following paragraphs, I intend to delve into the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniform at work.
Fast food is more and more familiar in meals of the people these days. This can have both positive and negative effect.
In many countries, university students usually receive financial support for their tuition fees from the governments. While this trend has some benefits, I would argue that it has more drawbacks.
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