IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Thank you for agreeing to be my home sitter. I will go to Paris on next Monday morning flight. I will stay with my mom and sister for two weeks. Their new apartment is on 14th Avenue, King's Street. You can contact me o
Thank you for accepting my request to take care of my home in my absence while I am travelling to UAE. I am writing this letter to inform you certain basic details which may help you in your time at my home.
Hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to thank you for agreeing to help me to take care of my little dog and my house when I’ll be away from our city for my vacation to Canada next month.
Hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter to thank you for help me to take care of my little dog and my house when I’ll be away from our city for my vocation to Canada next month.
Hi. How're you doing? Hope everything is good with you. Thank you for agreeing to take care of the house and taking care of Max my pet dog while I'm on holiday.
I hope you are having a good day. Thank you for your help take care of my home and my puppy when I am on my holiday in Japan. I really appreciate that. I will take a flight to Japan at 10 am, on Feb 22, 2023, and will be
I am really glad that you agreed to look after my hour and pet dog Jimmy during my planned trip to Goa. I will be going to Goa this weekend ie., I will start on friday night at 10PM and will return on Monday morning 6AM.
Hope you are doing well. I would like to thank you again for agreeing to take care of our dog and house during our voyage to France. I am delighted to have a friend like you whom I can trust and get help when needed.
I hope this letter finds you well. Thank you again for your kindness and this opportunity to rely on you, my friend with this duty. I will describe to you all the main functions but If you are stuck with any problems or
Hope you and your family all are well. As I told, I plan to go the annual office outstation visit on next week. However, as you met in the coffee shop in last Monday,your told that you can take care my bobby and my home
It is been a long time since I haven’t heard from you. I hope you will be fine and your family members are also doing well. In fact, once I asked you and you agreed I was chuff.
It is been a long time that I havent heard from you. I hope you will be fine and your family members are also doing well. The reason behind writing this letter to you that I am really greatful to you as you admitted to t
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