I am very excited to hear that you're thinking about applying for Advanced Accounting and Auditing course that I studied at Gujarat University and would be more than happy to answer your questions.
Wish you are doing well these days. I’m writing to give you some information about the course you asked about. I’m so glad that you finally made up your mind and are keen on studying at university.
I’ve been doing well. I was really excited to hear about your interest in taking up the History course that I did at JNT University and am glad that you reached out to me for advice.
Hope you are doing pretty well. I have received your letter seeking advice about the course I did last year. As in the previous conversation I had told you that I opted for Information Technology from Algoma university w
Hope your in a good health as soon as you receive this letter. I received your letter last week and you are interested to study in the university I went last year. I think you will loving it there.
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I also want to thank you for trusting me with such an important decision. So, here is what I have to say in response to your queries about the Corporate Communications course
I hope you’re doing well and my letter finds you in a good health.I recently got your email as you were asking for my advice regarding mechanical engineering course which you are planning to enroll in the same college fr
I hope you are doing well and my letter finds you in good health.I got your email for advice on engineering course which I did from the Stanford University .Basically, it is a four year program , an each year with two
I hope you find this letter in the pink of your health. I am really excited to know that you are planning to join York university for doing your major. I would be really happy to inform you about the pros and cons of the
Dear Nari, I hope all is well with you, and I am so happy to hear that you finally decided to study nursing at Flinders University. I enrolled in a 3-year nursing program a couple years ago, and I enjoyed learning abou
Hope this letter finds you in good health and spirit. I sure also would like to thank you for trusting me with such an important matter. So, here is what I have to say in response to your queries about the Pharmacy cours
Hope this letter finds you in the best of health. I was so glad to hear that you are applying to Information Systems course at my ‘alma mater’, Singapore University. I was honoured that you reached out to me as I am alwa