IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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My name is Marilia, I am a student of history at Toronto University. I was looking for a voluntary job because I think it would be important to my career, and I see your vacancy in the journal. I am becoming very intere
I am writing this letter to express my interest towards the most recent posting for the hiring of part-time volunteers who can contribute to the museum.My name is Mandeep and I am a part-time university student at the Un
Dear Sam, I am writing to answer your advertisement regarding a voluntary job at the Museum that. I have a tendency to start a job here. To begin with, I have been studying art major for more than three years at the
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing this letter to you regarding a voluntary/unpaid job at the museum. Let me discuss my plan for your suggestion.
I am writing this letter in response to the advertisement stating that the museum intends to hire part-time volunteers and I would like to throw my hat in the ring for the same.
I am writing this letter in response to a recent vacancy announcement at your museum in which you have asked people to do part-time unpaid work. I would like to work as a volunteer in your museum and hope you would give
I am writing with regard to a part-time voluntary job in the museum.I came across this position in the newspaper that is unpaid work.My name is Malik.I would like to apply for this vacant place.
This letter is to express my interest to work in a museum that is located in the vicinity of my house. I also like to work as a part-time volunteer without pay.
I am writing this letter to express my enthusiasm to join as a part-time volunteer in the National Museum which is located near my house because I saw a notice that is looking for people to do unpaid work.
I am writing to apply for the part-time voluntary work in the Oxford Museum. I have seen your advertisement looking for a voluntary tour guide on the university notice board.
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