IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that using air transport to support exporting fruit and vegetables to countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season is a positive development. However, other people argue that this reason
The use of Aeroplanes has been increased to transfer produce to countries where they are impossible to be grown or are out of season. While it cost too much to import vegetables and fruits by air, these are antidotes of
Usage of air transport has been increasing from last decade to export the vegetation and fruits which are not cultivated or unseasonable, the prime benefit is, it saves transport time compare with traditional shipping an
With the growth of aviation, many countries use this mode of transport to export fruit and vegetables to places where they are not in season or cannot be grown. I agree that this a positive development, and in this essay
Air freight is progressively used to transport fruits and vegetables to nations where they cannot be produced or are out of season. The main advantage of trading local vegetation gives us an opportunity to taste differen
With the growth in aviation, many countries now choose this mode of transport to export food such as fruits and vegetables to places where they are not in season or cannot be grown. I would argue that this has positive a
In this new era of civilization, transportation of foods, especially fruits and vegetables, to nations whey they cannot be planted or are not in season is increasingly done via air for fast delivery. While some individua
In some countries, certain fruits and vegetables are difficult to grow and some are seasonal, therefore it became necessary for them to import these fruits by air. Some people agree that the means of transporting these g
Some countries do not have access to certain fruits and vegetables during a certain time of the year and so decide to import them through air transport. It is thought by some that this means of transportation is justifie
Transporting fruits and vegetable using aeroplanes, in the countries where it is unavailable is very frequent in present context. This essay suggests that the primary benefits of this is that it is the fastest way availa
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