IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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People is becoming more and more hectic nowadays and they need to bring down the mealtimes. As a result, fast food has emerged as a new alternative to the traditional one. This essay will discuss the differences between
World has undergone a great change where people are changing habits based on their convenience. Indeed, cultural food, once used to be an honor label, has been replaced with ready to eat meals. To a certain extent, I agr
In most countries professional sporting events and cultural programs enjoy the patronage of governments and that is hardly surprising. Yet there remains some disagreement as to whether the overall result of this ought we
The rapid increase in the rhythm of modern life enforces people to reduce the specified time for eating and preparing food. This has led to the development of convenience foods that are now presented in a variety and tas
One of the most significant advances in civilization is the development of modern methods of food production and preparation. Convenience foods have now become the norm in many societies. Although some people idealise tr
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