IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this period of globalization, many people think that advertising could show you a society. Although a country has various local places, cusines, values, cultures and un-written beliefs, advertising has significant rol
Advertising is a form of communication that is used to persuade the community to buy goods or services. It is a powerful tool that can be used to influence a crowd's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. In this essay, we
In the era of modernization, there is a growth in advertisement with various methods us as newspapers or some social media platforms. It is claimed that advertising can provide them with a large amount of information abo
It is not an uncommon fact that advertisements can let a majority of individuals know more details about a nation. In my humble opinion, I partly agree with the opinion.
It must be accepted that advertisement is not just telling about the product but also reflects the culture of any country. I certainly agree that commercials reflect the face of the country. My opinion is explained furt
It must be accepted that advertisements not just publicize the commercial product and business identity but also are seen as the face of any country. I certainly agree with the statement that commercials do tell a lot ab
It must be accepted that advertisements not just publicize the commercial product but also are seen as the face of any country. I certainly agree with the statement that commercials do tell a lot about a particular count
Every country has its own culture and traditions. There is no doubt that an advertising campaign conducted in Russia will not have the same effect here in the United States. Let us take for example advertisements for mea
Advertisements play a key role to attract people toward anything, including nations. This could tell you about the attractive spots, delicious foods and so on to absorb tourists to a country. I partially agree that a per
Advertisements Play a key role in the sales of a product. It can even give a layout about the country, it's sold in. Of course the Commercial made in India would be entirely different from those in America. People tend t
Every country has its own culture and traditions. There is no doubt that an advertising campaign conducted in Russia will not have the same effect here in the United States. Let us take for example advertisement of cuisi
Every country has its own culture and traditions. There is no doubt that an advertising campaign conducted in Russia will not have the same affect here in the United States. Let us take for example advertisement of foo
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