IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that school education should be focused on academic subjects, which are good for childiren's future, and subjects like music and sports are useless.
Many people have different opinions about school education. The most of them think academic subjects are more useful than subjects like music and sport. To my mind, academic subjects are good for young people. So I agree
Many people argue that the significance of art is no less than other academic areas,therefore, it should be a mandatory subject to pursue in higher education. I strongly agree with this and believe that art represents cu
In the high school there are many subjects, and some people think that studying and attending art lessons should be obligatory as other lessons. I completely disagree with this statement because for most people it could
In recent days, technology has developed a lot, and because of this, people have not paid attention to art. And also in schools, high school students do not have drawing lessons. Personally, I think every lesson is impor
Some people think painting and drawing are as important as other subjects, they should be compulsory in the high school education. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
For the time being, a large number of people claim that high school should increase hours of the painting. On the one way, I agree with the statement, because drawing improves children's imagination, moreover, pupils bec
There is now a growing opinion that painting and drawing are of the same importance as other subjects and therefore, they should be made compulsory in the high school curriculum. I completely concur with this idea and my
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