IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Education is an integral part of our lives, and tertiary education is crucial for achieving success. Although numerous people think that Universities should choose young scholars with more outstanding scores, the rest be
A highly controversial issue relates to whether educational institutions ought to be offering rooms exclusively to youngers with impressive marks or if every student, no matter what age is, should be able to attend gradu
People have different views about whether tertiary schooling should be given to young students with top scores or all individuals regardless of their ages and poor academic results. In this essay, I will discuss both vie
Currently, in this modern world, education plays vital role in everyone’s life. But there is a major debate in the field of taking parts in universities that revolves around the issue of whether educational institutes sh
Universities play a pivotal role in the overall characteristics of pupils.Some schools of thought believe that only youth disciples should be honoured with top notch remarks whereas few individuals think the other way ar
A major debate in the field of taking parts in universities revolves around the issue of whether educational institutes should accept well-qualified students or scholars of all ages without assessing their current academ
University education is considered to be prestigious for most of the people. Getting into it, is an difficult task and purely depend on the merit, people possed with. Some say to have young with high grades and other wan
These days, raising the question of whether universities should be opend to everyone, regardless of their ages nor their academic performances, or it should remain a place for well-qualified students. Although only accep
The issue of whether tertiary education should accept well-qualified students or scholars of all ages without good performance, causing some public controversy in recent years. Although choosing the students with the h
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