IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the present day. There are plenty of people in the society and require consumption contribute to creating waste products which are release from household become the serious problem in numerous nation. However, many ci
In the present day. There are the plenty of people in the society and require consumotion contribute to create wast products which are release from houshold are become the seriousness problem in numerouse nation. However
In a modern world, where every people wants their own space and facilities, even though living with family. As because of this misuse generated by per house could increase in recent years. In effect of unwanted product a
There is a growing concern about massive household waste in recent years. In this essay, I will elaborate on the problems caused and the possible short-term and long-term solutions.
In recent years, the amount of waste produced by an ordinary family is progressively increasing. Some people are concerned about issues associated with the large volume of rubbish such as detrimental effects on the earth
It is inevitable that modern households will produce some waste, but the increasing volumes of refuse over recent years present a challenge for us all. There seem to be two main problems stemming from this situation, and
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