I totally agree most of peaple bend over their mobile phones and computer all the time for playing, calling scrolling their pages of face book, twiter, instegram and also for learning a new skills, they are using their d
An increasing number of people are using mobile phones and computers nowadays. It is argued that this social phenomenon leads to the losing the ability to communicate directly of users. I partly agree with this idea depe
Mobile phone and computers are increasingly used by people in the modern life. It is agued that this practice leads to the losing of face to face communication ability of the users. I partly agree with this idea dependin
An increasing number of people are using mobile phones and computers nowadays. It is agued that it leads to the losing the ability to communicate directly of users. I partly agree with this idea depending on how people u
It is true that in recent year, many people have become over-reliant on using smart phones and tablet. While I agree that the proliferation of technology makes people decrease an interaction with their friends, I do not