IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Interaction has been the prime factor for socialization for ages. Lately, the communication between the families is becoming fierce and a lion's share of the people are getting used to it. Globalization and westernizati
Interaction has been the prime factor for socialization for ages. Lately, the communication between the families is becoming fierce and a lion's share of the people are getting used to it.
In the current times, family members are moving away from one another when compared to the past and most of society has come to terms with this fact. The reason for this situation is the desire in everyone to have more
In the current era, joint families are not existing, everywhere mostly we see nuclear families. The main reason for this is to seek opportunities. Although there are plethora of benefits to these trends, however there ar
At the resent era, the interconnection among the members of the families are not as strong as it was before, and many people are habituated with the current situation. The main reasons behind that are living out of the h
Family is one of the most crucial part of human`s life. However, at the present time, family members become more and more far from each other and some people consider these changes as a norm of their life. This phenomena
Intimacy and affection within the family has reduced in the past decades and the society has accepted the trend. Lets discuss about the cause, benefits and drawbacks.
It has been constantly said that family closeness has decreased over recent years compared to the past. Also, this has become so prevalent in numerous families and majority of people are used to it. There are some myriad
"Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.” Based on Michael J. Fox word, family really plays a big part in each individuals life. Family members cheerish and provide us with love where the love from these peopl
These days, families have a lack of bonding in relationships as compared with the old days, and this situation is largely accepted by society. The busy schedule and exercise use of digital platforms are the core reasons
There has been a trend over recent decades for families to become less close than they were in the past and this situation is largely accepted in society. This essay will discuss the reasons for this and examine the bene
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