IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Without doubt, the tourism industry is thriving in the global marketplace. Although, some people believed that this surge will cause unrest among people of different cultural views, I am of the opinion that tourism at su
Over the years, tourism has grown into a huge industry. Actually, it is the backbone of many economies. For example, tourism is the main source of revenue for countries like Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Maldives. Some people,
In recent years, the travelling industry has been flourishing, especially, international one; however, there are many people worried about that this scenario building more problems than learning and accepting other cu
Planning: Topic: International Tourism Keyword: Biggest Industry, in the world, tension, Unserstanding, people and culture. What: Travelling from one country to another, Lost of currency, Philippines, South-east asia
In today's world, the necessity of tourism has ever-increasing. Even in it is widely seen international tourism has a massive contribution to the global economy. Some individuals believe that global tourism is responsibl
The tourism industry plays a significant role to enhance the economy of the nation. But, because of the advancement in technology, an army of people believes that the cross-border tourism industry creates problems rather
It is undeniable that tourism business is booming, as it was a decade ago. Currently this industry is the largest among others. Some people opine that this trend is creating much tension between people from different cul
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Evidently, global tourism is the largest and fastest growing industry around the world thanks to globalisation. However, many opine that instead of creating harmony between the people from various culture((S IS REQUIRED
Tourism has become the leading industry across the world. Some argue that this industry leads to conflicts among people coming from different nations. I disagree with this notion to a significant extent, and in the follo
In recent years, tourism and the number of people travelling to the other countries has boomed as global trend. However, it is belived that such tourism forms cultural tensions for understanding.I completely disagree wi
At present, international tourism has become a prime source of economic growth of some countries and is tremendously growing for attracting people the world over. Although tourist markets generate the haphazard situation
Travelling has become an important aspect of life, thus, giving tourism industry a boost. International travelling is a huge sector amongst other sectors of the society, but it raises disputes other than smooth relation
Today the world is more connected than any time before and people from all over the countries can arrive at their destination within 24 hours. However, while this possibility permits to millions of individuals to encount
In recent years, it is obvious that tourism in general and international tourism in particular has boomed as global trends. While I agree traveling cross borders help bridge the differences among various cultures, I also
In the last two decades, the tourism sector has seen sharp progression. Currently, it is considered as one of the biggest industry in the world, but, unluckily, it creates tension instead of coordination among the people
Modern world today, holiday making business has been increasing tremendously since last 5 decades.It is sometimes argued that this created a lot of problems between tourist and native people.In my opinion,I completely ag
Worldwide travel is the largest business in the world today. Although, some people believe that international tourism fosters pressure instead of consideration among people from other nations. I disagree with the view he
At present, International tourism is considered the biggest source of income in the world. However, global touring creates more conflicts rather than harmony between people from different background. In my opinion, I dis
International tourism has gained popularity and has recently become the largest global industry. However, it is believed that such tourism forms cultural tension instead of understanding. I largely disagree with this not
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