IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In recent years,machines are being used in more and more scenarios, especially in areas that require a lot of physical work, such as most of manufacturing. In From my perspective, when we analyzing the impact of this tre
Indeed, the modern world is moving in a direction where more routine tasks are performed by machines. While this trend is welcomed by many, I would say that we should not be overly optimistic about it, given its detrimen
It is a common belief that humans employ machines more than ever before to help with hard physical work. While there are admittedly several positive impacts of overly exaggerating the utilization of robots, I believe tha
It is increasingly common that smart machines have been applied in some situations in which normal workers can not touch or accomplish. Therefore, I totally tend to agree such a phenomenon is productive for most labourer
As the development of industrialization, people use more and more machines in factories and farms. I believe there are more benefits rather than withdraws for human society.
There are many companies and factories to complete the manual job, which is traditionally human workers. I personally believe that it is a positive development, although it has its drawbacks.
There are many companies and factories to complete manual work, which is traditionally human workers. I personally believe that it is a positive development, although it has its drawbacks.
There are many companies and factories to complete manual task, which is traditionally human workers. I personally believe that it is a positive development, although it has its drawbacks.
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