IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The appropriate age for obtaining a driving license is a subject of ongoing debate, with some advocating for the minimum age to be increased to 21. While there are valid reasons supporting this view, I largely disagree w
Whether or not, to permit individuals to have a driver license in their twenties or not is a contentious issue. This writer argues that government need to give residents permission to drive a car due to their great respo
Nowadays enormous number of accident happened when compared to the past years.On those accident more number of teenagers are made traffic my view i completely agree to the rule which the people should be atlea
people are devided about the issue of whether infants must pass 21 to be permitted to drive or not. I firmly disagree with this notion and some arguements surround my idea.
Many road accidents are caused by reckless driving especially by the youth under 21 years of age. Should the age at which you can drive a vehicle be increased in order to ensure road safety? In my view, although I accept
Some say that the minimum age to drive a four-wheeler should be 21. I strongly agree with this statement because they would be more mature thus they would not do reckless driving , and there would be fewer cases of road
There is no doubt that people love to drive cars due to their convenience and privacy. Driving vehicles is a huge responsibility, therefore, the age factor plays a crucial role when applying for a driving license. A segm
Nowadays, people have different opinions on whether the youths should be allowed to drive a car. In my opinion, I strongly believe that children should be at least 21 years old before they are allowed to drive.
Nowadays, people have different opinions on whether is it important the minimum age for driving 21. In my opinion, except in certain cases, I largely agree with the notion that people should have at least 21 years old be
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