IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is an arguable debate subject whether a city should retain its historical buildings or replace them with modern ones while demolishing them. I firmly opine that old structures are an essential part of a country's hist
History tells us what has happened before our time. One of the things that give us a great understanding of how local communities lived are historic buildings and as such we should try to preserve our heritage at all cos
Nowadays, there is a debate discussion about whether a city should maintain its outdated, historical constructions or demolish them and erect new, modern ones in their place. This essay will argue why in my opinion the o
Traditional sites are important, but it sometimes needs to be renewed, so the government should be careful when they want to deal with historical buildings. In my opinion, We can each make a contribution to preserve thes
It is often argued whether ancient monuments should refurbish for modern structures or preserve for future . Personally, I agree with the latter view because old buildings are an emblem of distinct culture and heritage .
Every city has some buildings relating to the history of that city or nation. There is a common debate about the presence of those places, some want to preserve whilst others think about the replacement of those historic
Nowadays his-rise buildings are proliferating across all the cities with advanced amenities. Many prefer the new arrangements while others believe in preserving the earlier sites. In this essay, I will share my viewpoint
The number of people believe that a city should give more attention to protect old building. However, some people think a city should replace old building with modern styles. From my point of view, I extremely agree wit
There are ample historical monuments in each and every part of world. Some people are of opinion that these buildings can be replaced by new ones that are inline with today's architectural advancement but others contrast
Ancient buildings are relics of the past and should be preserved, in the viewof some people. Others, however, believe that the appearance of modern buildings will open a new horizon for the development of a nation. This
Old and historical buildings are a window into the past that we could not get and help us to learn about the past events. Thus, some people believe that a city should protect its antique houses. However, others think tha
Some may acquiesce to the fact that replacing old structures with contemporary monuments is a good idea while others may not condone with this. However, I candidly believe that historic structures should be preserved. Th
Some people think that old, historic buildings are no need for the city and they should be destroyed and replaced with modern ones. However, other people believe that historic buildings must be preserved in order to know
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