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The importance of learning new languages is said to be no longer valid in the recent worldwide due to the advanced technology which can help people translate alien languages automatically . The writer of this essay total
There are some who consider that people do not need to learn a foreign language because of the help of translation apps, however, others disagree with this statement. From the writer's perspective, learning a foreign lan
s technological advances, people can use it to translate other languages, therefore foreign languages become a dispensable part for individuals to learn. The writer of this essay totally disagrees with this statement be
It is believed that technology development and software improvement permit users to transfer between languages automatically which makes it not important to study foreign languages anymore. The writer of this essay is in
There are some people who believe that the advancement of technology and better software help people to translate languages automatically so they do not need to learn a new language. The writer of this essay strongly dis
It is believed that in this day and age, technology and software evolve rapidly across the world to allow for translating between languages in an automated way is a long-term debate. The writer of this essay strongly dis
There is a believe that learning foreign language is not necessary due to the enhance of technological devices.The writer of this essay is totally disagree that studying other language is not only make people independent
It is often believed that advancements in technology and software enable convenient translation of foreign languages, making the study of foreign languages seem less important. However, I strongly disagree with this noti
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