IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this day and age, obtaining social skills is of utmost importance for one to succeed in life. While many people claim that the future success of kids results from joining collaborative sports, others show disapproval
In the modern era, the majority of students are occupied with their academic lives and find little time for external sports activities, which are vital to their overall development.Some individuals believe that it is imp
Nowadays playing sports as a group is an essential role for children. Some parents believe that can lead their kids to achievement in the future, while others do not believe that. I personally agree with the statement be
There are those who are of the belief that team sports are essential for the young to achieve success in their career, while others do not support this view.
At present, some communities think that group sports activities are crucial to achieving their dream jobs, while other sets of crowd believe that it does not affect your life goals. This essay will discuss both the ideas
It is often argued by some that there are many advantages for children to play team sports to prepare for their future jobs while others do not agree. From my point of view, I do agree with this idea. In this essay, I w
"In the recent era, where majority of students are busy in their academic life and hardly find any time for the outdoor sports activities which are very crucial for the overall growth.Some individuals believe it is the n
In the recent era, where majority of students are busy in their academic life and hardly find any time for the outdoor sports activities which are very crucial for the overall growth.Some individuals believe it is the ne
Team sports are very important while many of the people agree there is a ratio of people who disagree but i have a very positive view of the team sport which would help in our career and other stages of our life.
It is some times believed that team sports builds cooperation amongst kids and is vital for career growth. Others say that children ought to be competitive for them to accomplish their goals. I believe that children shou
Arguments are still ongoing about the role of sports in the future of a child. While it is believed by some that team sport is required in order for a child to attain success in their chosen field, others believe that sp
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