IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believe that a great public health depends on sports facilities while others in favor of it is not sufficient and needs some measures too. Both perspectives have valid points.
Some people believe that great public health depends on sports facilities while others in favour of it are not sufficient and need some measures too. Both perspectives have valid points.
There are various ways to improve public health. Somebody believe that increasing physical activity equipment is a crucial way while others argue that this has little effect and other things should be involved. In this e
Public health has been a pressing issue of most countries, and many ways about how to stay healthy have been put forward. Although establishing more sports amenities is effective to improve citizens' health, I think it i
The rate of serious crimes has been rising annually. While some people argue that capital punishment is the efficient way to deter offences, I believe that criminals desire a chance to rehabilitate.
It is an obvious fact that the rates of serious crimes committed annually show an upward trend. According to some people, the capital punishment seems to be the most influential method to deter the problem, while many ot
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