IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Everyone, wants freedom itis generally believed that parents or teacher should not give freedom to children. In my opinion the childhood life is very important children ought to not give freedom. In this essay I fully a
Childhood is supposed to the most joyful time of their entire life and some machines like auto cleaning robots have freed children from housework. However, I think children don’t enjoy enough freedom.
Childhood is supposed to the worryless time of their entire life and some machines like auto cleaning robots have free children from doing housework. However, I think today children don’t enjoy enough freedom.
Nowadays, due to advance of technology and changing the thinking of the individuals and increasing competition, majority these days prefer to provide liberty for their children's as compared to the past. This essay will
The trends towards children's education become controversial in the contemporary society. It’s sometimes argued that children are given too much freedom due to modern technology and the busy work of their parents. Person
The world is changing at a fast pace and so are the rules and norms of the society. Presently, it is believed that today’s children enjoy much more independence than the children of the past. Here, I would like to accord
People have different opinions on whether or not children have enough freedom. Some assert that children are doing what they want do compare to the past. However, I strongly believe that children don’t have freedom in te
In Modern times Children are rewarded with excessive liberty which may be devastating in some aspects. I somewhat agree with the statement, privilege is imperative for the development of young ones. However, too much exe
It is an irrefutable fact that in today's era offsprings has an abundance of freedom. Whether it might be deleterious in some facts or not has become a matter of discussion among the masses. I strongly agree with the not
The world is changing fast and so are the rules and the norms of society. I agree with the statement that today's children enjoy much more independence than children of the past. A number of arguments surround my opinion
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