IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some believe that people should plan their leisure time for activities and others say that free time should be free and unorganized. Although unplanned spare time gives a sense of freedom and adventure, I believe that re
In today's world, everyone is occupied by work and does not have much pace to do other activities. It is argued by most individuals that planning must be done before so it can save time and money. However, others believe
Varied opinions have been put on the table when it comes to free time. However, shopping is one of the favourite activities in people's free time, many argue that this time could be utilised more efficiently as it was d
The number of men and women spending their leisure time shopping is remarkably rising, making no space for other hobbies, nowadays. This essay will argue that, despite the financial advantages for the companies, it is ab
These days, it is very essential to spare some hours from your busy work routine and do some beneficial activities during that time. Some believe that a person should plan his activities to be done in his free time, whil
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