IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is considered that increasing the price of fuel will be one of the best possible methods to tackle environmental issues while others think there are several effective ways. In this essay, I would agree with the latter
It is thought that increasing the value of fuel is one among other good solutions to address environmental problems. This author believes that raising the cost probably leads to an increase in trading expenses as well a
In recent years, environmental concerns have become increasingly prominent, promoting discussions about effective strategies to mitigate the negative impact of human activities. One potential solution is to raise the co
There is a common view among individuals that the most beneficial approach to resolve the catastrophic issues of environmental detriment is to rise the expense for buying fuel for transports. This can be a disastrous way
A number of individuals believe that to address the environmental issues just need to impose higher fuel prices for vehicles. The writer would completely disagree with this statement due to several reasons which will be
People have come to a consensus that increasing the price of fuel is one of the most optimal ways to resolve the environmental issues. Although it could bring back immediate benefits such as reducing carbon footprints an
In the contemporary era, environmental degradation poses a significant threat to our planet’s sustainability. To address this pressing concern, some advocate for a substantial increase in the cost of ammunition for autom
In our modern age, it is argued that environmental problems can be solved by raising the price of fuel for cars or other means of transportation. However, the writer of this essay does not completely support that idea be
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