IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Whether Salaries must pay or not by employers to freshers is a challenging topic in society, although, a number of individuals opine volunteer activities are more suitable for younger, on contrary, a number of arguing wi
Many such as, old, handicapped and homeless people around us require our support in terms of money, shelter or daily household work, which can only be managed with the support of other human beings. Some have, therefore,
It is acknowledged that doing some free work in favour of the public had better be demanded from youngsters. While the requirement of unpaid job bring some benefits, I consider that it is more likely to have long-term
It is acknowledged that doing some free work in favor of public had better to be demanded from youngsters. While requirement of unpaid job bring some benefits, I convinced that it is more likely to have long-term drawba
Many community services depend heavily on people to volunteer their time and efforts. Some people believe that it should be compulsory for young people to do programmes like this to share burden with people in needs. Des
It is true that volunteer work provides great benefits for both participants and the community. However, forcing the youth to engage in those activities may be counterproductive, as now will be explained.
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