IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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To begin, most people think that leaders always should be honest, on the other of the argument lies the opposing viewpoint, which is that other public believes there are intervals times force the responsible to lie, Thus
To begin, most people think that politicians always should be honest, on the other of the argument lies the opposition viewpoint, which is that other people believe there are intervals times force the responsible to lie
Opinions are divided on whether politicans are advised to be truthful all the times or they must lie at any occassions. This essay will discuss both sides before presenting my own opinion.
While some people believe that political leaders should be true to society at all times, whereas others claim that they must lie at certain times. In my opinion, I believe that they should stay honest considering the tru
The question of whether the authority should always be straightforward is a critical concern for citizens, often rooted in a deep-seated desire to safeguard the integrity and strength of the nation. In my opinion, the go
A claim by some people indicates that politicians ought to be honest whilst the other thinks that vice versa is correct and they should also lie in certain times. I personally reckon that, telling some lies can be consid
Politicians play a very vital role in any country, If they are powerful then their country's will grow on all areas or if they are on efficient or bad politician then they can create complete chaos. There are group of pe
While some people feel that the politicians must sometimes lie, others, myself included, believe that they should be honest.
In this present day society , since almost every citizen has taken much interest in Politics , the issue of whether politicians should always tell the truth or not has ignited the public attention ,and consequently, this
While some individuals are in favour that members of parliament should always be honest. However, others opine that they need to lie in some cases. In my opinion, it relies on situations, but laws should not be deal with
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