The line graph illustrates the financial aid donated by four organizations to improve facilities in various countries over a three-year period, from 2008 to 2011, measured in billions of dollars.
The bar chart illustrates different age groups who attend at hospital emergency care departments in the north of Ireland in one year. Acursory glance at the graph is enough to make it is clear that, Children who under fi
The pie charts illustrate the reasons that contribute to happiness among two distinct age categories: individuals under 30 and those over 30 years old.
The table depicts the amount of milk production anually in four different countries in two-year intervals from 1990 to 2010. Overall, the Nethelands produced the most milk over the period, yet it was fluctuated. Meanwhil
The given table compares data about the number of people per million who lived and will live in 4 various countries namely, Argentina, Indonesia, Italy, and the Republic of Korea at three points in time namely, 2003, 202
The graphs illustrate the total number of hours of housework each week per household between 1920 and 2019, also, in the same period the percentage of electrical dispositives such as washing machines, refrigerators and v
Overall, the Library has been changed in various ways over the years. Especially, all rooms face with that changing and become contemporary with their new way of purpose.