The map gives information about the floor plan of a public library 20 years ago and exhibits recent changes there. Overall, after the years, the library has established services regarding new technologies, such as a room
The given table illustrates the employment status of first degree graduates from four European nations in 2001. A cursory glance at the graph is enough to make it clear that the maximum Scottish graduates got employment,
The diagram illstrates that how to recycle plastic. There are nine steps in the process, at the beginning with collecting some plastic bottles and ending with making some products then start a new cycle.
The chart provides information about the numerous abundance of tourists who visit the United for various reasons such holidays, business, and even coming to friends or relatives throughout the period from 1989 to 2009. O
The line chart illustrate the course of money sent from three English speaking country; United states, United kingdom, and Australia by foreigners from the year 2000 to 2021. Overall, United states and United Kingdom flu
The graphic chart gives information about the estimated number of people who are illiterate in the world by last year’s data. The chart is divided by region and gender, whereas the numbers are shown in percentages.
The line chart illustrates the number of people joining several types of activities in a social centre located in Melbourne, Australia between 2000 and 2020.
The pie charts illustrate how three countries—South Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom—dispose of hazardous waste using five different methods: recycling, underground disposal, incineration, chemical treatment, and du
The given graph represents about consumers' average annual expenditure on three major services. Firstly, cellphone services, represented by spaced dotted lines; secondly, International fixed-line services, represented by
The pie charts illustrate the methods of dealing with dangerous waste products in three countries: the Republic of Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
The table displays the percentage of first-year students in Economics, Law, and Commerce who rated various resources provided by the college as "very good."