IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are ongoing debate where some college students argue that it is important to learn another subject in order to supplement their main subject, while the other think that they have to devote all of their time to deep
It is widely accepted by some college students that learning dfferent lessons which are not related to major studys while others tend to suppose that students need to focus on only main subjects at university.
Some people argue that university students should fully concentrate on their major study, instead of spending their time and energy on other irrelevant subjects. From my perspective, I disagree with this kind of opinion
Some higher education student prefers learning additional subjects to their primary subjects while others argue that dedicating one's time and focus entirely to studying for a qualification is more crucial. Studying extr
There is no right answer: what can help your future career more - learning different disciplines in addition to your main or being focused on one subject or
People have different views on wether college students should learn other courses expect their own subjects, whlie others reckon they ought to focus on a qualification. I do believe that it is more benefical to study mor
Nowadays, students are placing much attention on the subjects related to their own future careers. However, there are some critics that universities should let their students study more diverse subjects. In my view, alth
There are differing opinions regarding whether university students should solely focus on earning a qualification or explore other subjects as well. While prioritizing qualification studies can enhance job prospects, I a
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