IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this present world, the usage of technology is constantly on the rise. Even classrooms are among the many places that enjoy the usage and benefits of technology. It is disagreed that classroom teachers will be tota
In this present world, the usage of technology is constantly on the rise. Even classrooms are among the many places that enjoy the usage and benefits of technology. In my opinion, I disagree that classroom teachers will
in recent decades,technology plays a pervasive role in the world and everything is effected by is one of the famouse itam which turn to a controversial a result, some commentators argue that c
In this era of digitalization, technology is getting worldwide acceptance. In the coming future, technology will take the place of classroom teachers. I totally agree with the fact that teachers are going to be replaced
Of late, technology has been a prevailing concern in a significant part of the world A lions share of society argues and rest goes adverse to it Personally, i agree with this opinion and following paragraphs would h
In this present world, the usage of technology is constantly on the rise. Even classrooms are among the many places that enjoy the usage and benefits of technology. It has been disagreed that class
In this present world, the usage of technology is constantly on the rise. Even classrooms are among the many places that enjoy he usage and benefits of technology. It is disagreed that classroom teachers will be tota
It is argued that classroom teachers can be completely replaced by the digital options of teaching. In my opinion, I completely agree with this statement because online teaching is more convenient as well as cost-effecti
It is argued that classroom teachers can be completely replaced by the digital options of teaching. I completely agree with this statement, this essay will support the argument because online teaching is more convenient
As we are in the fast-growing age of Technology, it makes sense to say that people are day by day making use of the modern technology in many fields, especially in education. In the future, many technology systems are pr
In this present world, the usage of technology is constantly on the rise. Even classrooms are among the many places that enjoy the usage and benefits of technology. It is disagreed that classroom teachers will be tota
In this present world, the usage of technology is constantly on the rise. Even classrooms are among the many places that enjoy the usage and benefits of technology. It has been disagreed that classroom teachers wil
It is genuinely evident that the advancement of technology has created a whole new circumstance for education. Some people expect that in the future, teachers no longer are needed for providing direct lectures for learne
In the coming days, we have seen that technology is increasing day by day. It disagrees that classroom teachers will be totally substituted for technology. Analysing the incapability of disciplining classroom students
In this present world, the usage of technology is constantly on the rise. Even classrooms are among the many places that enjoy the usage and benefits of technology. It is disagreed that classroom teachers will be tota
At present,computers and other kinds of technological devices are developing quickly and they also can be used in educational services. In my opinion, human teachers will never be completely replaced by technical advanc
In modern times, we progressively get used to relying on equipment to solve problems in our daily life. Even the situation in education is the same. Some might say the internet would be completely the substitution of tea
In modern times, we progressively get used relying on equipment to solve problems in our daily life. Even the situation in education is the same. Some might say the internet would be completely the substitution of teache
In modern times, we progressively get used to rely on equipment to solve problems in our daily life. Even the situation in education is the same. Some might say internet would be completely the substitution of teachers.
Technology has become a fundamental part of our daily life, right now, is not possible to think in a world without it. Therefore, it is expected that even in the classrooms, sooner o later, teachers will be fully replace
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