IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this digital era, everyone is using technology such as computers. Some believe that it has more drawbacks than benefits while others believe that it has more advantages. In my view, it has more positive impacts by us
These days, the advantages of computers exceed their disadvantages. People are using computers more and more since they are convenient and widely used. I wholeheartedly concur that the advantages outweigh the drawbacks,
Using computers in modern life has transformed the way people live. Some of these changes are good, while others are not. This essay will outline both sides of the issue.
Yes, of course, I’ve always been a big fan of music since I was a little boy. Sometimes I also listen to music before sleeping at night for one hour and when I am driving the car, which will both help me relax and feel m
It is said that the advantages of computers clash with their drawbacks in the developed countries. Although there are undoubtedly some problems with this invention, it has brought us a lot of benefits. I am completely in
The use of computers in the modern world has resulted in changes in society. Some of these changes have been to the benefit of society, while others have not. I think that the usage of these devices has far more advantag
We are all live in the digital age where computer has become one of the essential things in life. It is undeniable that because of the computer, human can create so much more incredible things to this world. In my opini
The use of computers in the modern world has resulted in changes in society. Some of these changes have been to the benefit of society, while others have not. I think that the usage of computers has far more advantages t
Advancement in technology has entered each and every field of life. The invention of the computer seems to be an intangible discovery for the world. In globalization, the computer becomes part of human life.However, it h
Computers have become part and parcel of everyone's daily life, be an employee/employer, businessmen, professionals, homemakers or students.
The use of computers in modern life has resulted in changes in society. Some of these changes have been to the advantage of society and others have not. This essay will outline both sides of the issue.
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