IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Outdoor activities are very essential to maintain a healthy body and mind. However, In recent days many children are skipping these activities for various types of reasons specially the huge impact of technology. In the
It is a fact that today’s children represent the future prosperity for our societies. However, children nowadays are growing less and less interested toward all sorts of physical demanding activities especially the outdo
In the contemporary era, a significant portion of young people tend to spend less time doing exercise or being in nature. This phenomenon is rooted in a plethora of factors and devising a solution necessitates an endeav
There is no denying the fact that nowadays, many young adults do not have enough time to do outdoor activities like walking and mountain climbing. This essay will discuss the reasons behind this problem and suggest some
Nowadays, youths do not prefer to do outdoors activities such as hiking, climbing mountains, and enjoying the beautiful nature. This is a very vital problem that requires a range of pratical ideas to encourge them to do
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