IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In this contemporary epoch, the rate of crime is increasing rapidly and due to this sustainable development is facing an extreme danger. This essay will delve into the various reasons for such proliferation along with ex
In the modern era, crimes are increased by some individual criminals. Issues are arising due to lack of education, employment and the society where they live. Criminals and authorities are responsible for the above issue
In recent times, there has been a surge increase in antisocial behaviour, particularly criminal activities. This phenomenon can be attributed to several causes.
In recent times, there has been antisocial personal behaviour, for instance a high crime rate, which is caused by the individual growing up in a wrong and negative environment
There are several reasons why I would argue that the number of individuals who do illegal activities increases significantly. To begin with, poverty and unemployment contribute to an environment where crime becomes an ac
It is true that there is a huge rise in the number of antisocial personal behaviour, often resulting in committing a crime. There are various reasons why this happens, but the government, community and family can take st
In recent times, there has been a significant surge in antisocial behaviour, particularly involving criminal activities. This phenomenon can be attributed to several underlying causes.
In this day and age, there has been an increase in humans conducting harmful behaviour within the society we are living in. There are many reasons behind this social issue, two of which will be analysed in the essay belo
Today's society witnesses a concerning surge in antisocial behaviors, especially in the field of criminal activity. The causes behind this spike are multifaceted, and the responsibility for addressing this issue is in co
It is believed that the hotly debated topic of increasing sighting of anti-social behaviour in the form of committing crimes in recent years. In this discussion, I will give my opinion on the causes of this phenomenon an
These days, antisocial behaviour has become a pressing concern in certain countries. Some argue that economic downturns and illicit drug use are contributing factors, with the government bearing responsibility for addres
In today’s society, there are more and more people who tend to have antisocial personalities which might lead to an increasing crime rate. This essay will explain some reasons cause this phenomenon and then suggest some
The widespread problem of anti-social behaviour and disrespectful attitudes towards others has long been a major topic of concern in society. Some of the major culprits of this problem will be discussed before the most i
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