It is widely believed that people with a degree should get higher salary-job rather than those who did not complete the university. In my opinion, wherther or not a person graduated from college, job salary should be det
Nowadays, it is common to hear that university-graduated people get a higher salary than non-graduated people. Is it fair? Many believe people can't be determined by their degrees but by their working experience. However
Nowadays, the debate about how much payment should be given to the employee is becoming increasingly an argumentative issue. Some people said that workers, who have graduated from university, should gain a salary higher
Some people said that workers, who have a degree, should gain a salary higher than employees, who are not. In this controversy, I partially agree with this statement because graduated people are guaranteed that they were
Nowadays, there are a lot of discussions about the link between education at the university and the wage of employees. Although some people assume that the salary should vary according to the number of skills and amount
Now a day's competition of getting into a good college has increased and after passing out the fight to get employment is even more competitive.Graduates from good institute often demand high salaries as they are passed
Nowadays, the debate about how much payment should be given to the employee is becoming increasingly an argumentative issue. Some people think, that higher salary should be given to the people, who graduated from univers
Nowadays, the debate about giving payment to employee is becoming increasingly popular. Some people think, that higher salary should be given to the people, who graduated from university rather than, who do not. They, no