IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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First of all sorry for the inconvenience caused since last Friday. I felt sorry by hearing your complaint about our noise in this flat. As you know I am a piano player and I joined one of the famous piano playing clubs
I am writing this letter to elaborate on my situation in detail and also the future action steps that I am going to take. Recently, we bought a DC motor to pump the water from underground to tanks which are on top of the
The controversial topic concerning the interaction between people never fails to attract public attention. In today's world, folks increasingly prefer
Hi, I am your neighbour who lives next door to you. I apologize for what happened last week and I am truly sorry for the noise caused by my daughter. I insist to write this letter as a formal apology.
I have received your letter and I would like to apologize for the inconvenience caused to you on my behalf. In addition, I would use this instance to explain my situation behind the incident.
I hope this letter finds you well. I have received a letter form you, as you were not happy with my little dog parking, while I was away for my business trip.
I know all of you who live near my house must be so uncomfortable recently because of the noise from my flat. I'm writing this letter to say some things to all of you about why it's been so noisy recently.
I am John Smith, from 101 Evergreen Street. I have received some complaints about the noise that I make at night. I am aware of this situation and please listen to what I have to say; so we can reach an agreement where e
I have recently invited a childhood friend into my flat to stay. She has always been a very open and friendly person, therefore, she engages in many social activities. The recent noise from my flat has been as a result o
I am writing regarding a petition you have filed about the noice from my flat, i am apologies for the behaviour and inconvience occured. I will explain the reason of cause and the action to prevent it.
I have recently moved in this community. My fat number is 106, second floor, E wing, my name is Pallavi Joshi. I have received a complaint letter regarding noise coming from my apartment. At first, I would like to apolog
I am writting to apologize for the inconvinience being caused to you owing to the disturbance coming from my house.My kitchen's ceilng is leaking from last two day,as it needs a repair.It is very hard me to cook.So,I cal
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